Every one of us has a source of inspiration that keeps us going, striving for a brighter tomorrow. For some, it’s the well-being of our children. For others, it’s shaping the world for generations to come. No matter the circumstance, we all share the same dream – to see the people we love flourish and thrive. 

Araceli (on the rigth) is one of the women participating in the MARES savings groups. Along with her goal to generate investment for their micro-businesses, meet unexpected expenses, and address needs to enhance their family conditions, she also sees the monthly sessions as an opportunity to learn eco-friendly cultivation techniques and explore healthy cooking alternatives to improve family nutrition.

Mabel  is motivated to:  Continue her entrepreneurial journey”

At the age of 17, Mabel enrolled in the 8th generation of SiKanda’s Mujeres A.V.E. project, participating in the training and mentorship of women with micro-businesses in the Zaachila Oriente area. Despite being the youngest member in a group of women of all ages, she is an active participant in the Collective formed by graduates of the training process.

“We realized that women can work together and uplift one another”

Mabel’s motivation extends beyond her business of crafting bracelets with chaquira beads and laminated gold; this activity also serves as a means of support for her mother’s household expenses. Girls, boys, and women from the state of Oaxaca share this year’s theme in our fundraising campaign. It is an invitation to find deep connections with the motivations of others who, in one way or another, confront adversity and continue to strive for greater well-being.

It’s your turn!

What keeps you moving? Share your inspiration on social media using:


Thank you for partnering with us in our efforts to create a more equitable world for those with fewer opportunities in Oaxaca. Your donation serves as both encouragement and inspiration, empowering them to exercise their human rights and live a life of dignity.

Your donation supports the Puente – SiKanda alliance, helping us to continue our work with the communities of Oaxaca. Here’s how your contribution can make a difference:

  • A $15 USD donation provides a woman with the materials needed for a health and dietary diversity workshop sesion.

  • A $50 USD donation supplies seed fund for  woman with a micro-business. With your support, you can help nurture Oaxaca’s next great entrepreneur.

  • A $200 USD donation provides a scholarship in 2024 for one girl or adolescent from the eastern zone of Zaachila to participate in violence prevention workshops. This includes a camp experience, body autonomy workshops, artistic expression sessions, and bike rides.

Your generosity directly impacts individuals and communities, fostering positive change in Oaxaca. Thank you.

We aim to raise $50,000 in donations

to bring more people into the Puente and SiKanda projects.



Our payment processor accepts major credit cards. You can also choose to donate via Paypal. You can select that option after entering your information and clicking “Submit.”

Puente a la Salud Comunitaria is a 501(c)(3) organization [EIN 30-0258491]. If you have any questions about your donation or issues with the process, please email info@nullpuentemexico.org and we would be happy to help you. Thank you!

info@nullpuentemexico.org | MX +52 (951) 518 6642 | USA +1 (512) 478 8774

© Puente a la Salud Comunitaria, a 501(c)(3) organization [EIN 30-0258491] at 1311-A E. 6th St, Austin, TX 78702. USA.
© Puente a la Salud Comunitaria, AC, una organización donante autorizada con domicilio fiscal en
Privada de Magnolias No. 109, Colonia Reforma, CP 68050, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca. México