Elige Salud y Bienestar Vol 01 Cover PAge
24 April 2020

Elige Salud y Bienestar

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¡Estamos lanzando un boletín semanal!

El acceso a una alimentación adecuada, sana y especialmente compuesta por alimentos locales, garantiza el derecho a la alimentación bajo los principios de la soberanía alimentaria.

Para hablar de una buena nutrición, debemos hacer referencia a la interacción entre los alimentos, el cuerpo y el ambiente; ya que no la prodríamos entender como ajena a los modelos productivos, a los sistemas alimentarios ay a los alimentos mismos.

Con ese fin, Puente está lanzando un boletín semanal con el propósito de compartir información sobre alimentación y salud, dando mayor atención en estos primeros números a la contingencia por la que atravesamos.

Cada edición incluirá información sobre la salud y el medio ambiente, consejos para proteger tu salud mental, información actualizada sobre la pandemia de COVID-19, recetas y actividades para niñxs.

manzana, brocoli, plátano, pimenton
black and white drawing of rainbow
black and white illustration of potted plant

El diseño ilustrado en blanco y negro significa impresión de bajo costo para organizaciones y familias que desean imprimir el boletín. ¡Damos la bienvenida a cualquiera que desee imprimir y compartir esta información! La información objetiva y de apoyo es clave en tiempos de crisis.

También agradecemos comentarios o sugerencias de contenido. Gracias a nuestro equipo de Familias Saludables por sus esfuerzos para organizar y compartir información importante sobre la salud.

22 April 2020

Earth Day 2020

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50 years ago, concerned citizens came together to mark the first Earth Day. Today, we can’t come together physically but the need for global collaboration to conserve our resources, confront climate change, and protect biodiversity is more pressing than ever. A poster to mark the first Earth Day featured the quote: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” It is already becoming clear how human action contributed to the Covid-19 crisis and it’s clear that we as humans are more vulnerable than we thought. Holistic, integrated, and sustainable solutions will help us survive this pandemic and face the environmental crises that threaten animal species, human lives, and economic stability.

In 2016, Puente collectively embraced agroecology as a path towards sustainability for rural communities. Replenishing the soil, diversifying crops, and growing without harmful chemicals means stronger, drought-resistant plants, heartier seeds, and sustainable income streams.

One of our partner farmers, Don Hilario, shares his path with agroecology:

“With agroecology, we learned to cultivate through organic fertilizers, we learned to control pests through microorganisms, with organic fertilizers we are learning that our crops are improved, that our quality of life is better, and that it is possible to be well. We have our fertilizer biofactory and we have a project for the production of rock flour to give us the opportunity to want to improve our way of cultivating the soil.

“My well-being is a testimony to the importance of agroecology. I was very ill and my doctors gave me so many medications. I was lucky, instead, to meet someone from Puente who told me the importance of removing chemicals from our soil and from our plate. Today, I am strong and can rise up out of bed to work my land every day for my family and for my community. That is why I organize the biofactory so other farmers know its importance and have access.”

Today, on Earth Day, Puente is committed to partnering with smallholder farmers and rural communities for a future that is sustainable, that embraces new innovations while renewing traditional knowledge, and that values health and well-being in every stage of the agricultural cycle.

Una sonrisa
Abonos orgánicos.

10 April 2020

Broccoli Amaranth Burgers

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4 servings⠀ ⠀ ∙ 30g amaranth seed ⠀ ∙ 1 pc broccoli girl ⠀ ∙ 50g of baked peanut ⠀ ∙ 4 rolls (artisanal amaranth bread is delicious) ⠀ ∙ to accompany (tomato, avocado, chilies (to taste)) ⠀

Cook the amaranth seed: Wash and strain it, as many times as necessary until all the detritus is removed. • Bring the water to a boil, add the seed, boiling for 10 to 15 minutes. • Remove from heat and drain. ⠀ ⠀ Steam the broccoli for 20 minutes. • Drain and allow to cool. • Crush the dry peanut in a blender. • Mix the broccoli, cooked amaranth seed and crushed peanuts. • Start making patties and heat in a flat-bottomed pan with 1 teaspoon of oil. ⠀ ⠀ Serve with your favorite sandwich condiments! ⠀

© Puente a la Salud Comunitaria, a 501(c)(3) organization [EIN 30-0258491] at 1311-A E. 6th St, Austin, TX 78702. USA.
© Puente a la Salud Comunitaria, AC, una organización donante autorizada con domicilio fiscal en
Privada de Magnolias No. 109, Colonia Reforma, CP 68050, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca. México